Well I went with the "cadillac" model. I found some bare-bones versions for about half that
Fleshing out the "revision list", I'm open to any/all suggestions. My current thoughts:
1. Completely separate DGND and OGND planes.
2. Separate +5 input for OVDD LDO, with a jumper to permit using the Teensy's 3.3V supply
3. Series damping resistors for all the ADC's control lines.
Question: what about the data output lines? It would be best to have damping resistors on the receiving end but that would require modding the Teensy. Possible but probably not easy for the average hobbyist to accomplish.
4. Test points to ease debugging with a DVM and oscilloscope.
5. Change the physical connections so the ADC can be plugged into the Teensy. This will greatly shorten the signal lines, which should help regarding signal integrity.
Regarding #5, the data pins will have to be different if plugging into a T4.0 vs. a T4.1. I don't like jumpers but they may be the most expedient way to customize the ADC board. The other option: don't design it to accommodate a 4.0. A 4.1 isn't much more expensive; and the ADC driver code is a lot cleaner.
Anything else?
Pretty much agreed on most of it. I will admit there is something else going on right now, (water supply fail called), so my concentration is limited.
1. DGND is also analog GND, and consists of letting pins 20, 30 join in under the ADC onto GND. Yes indeed, if OGND has it's own ground plane, with the 100nF and the 10uF located close to the ADC, that works.
2. Separate 5V supply to drive the LDO, so you can make a 3.3V for OVDD (pin 18) is OK. Once the 5V analog supply, and it's GND are separate, if the Teemnsy has a 3.3V supply, I would think it could be used without a special . Similar to the Raspberry Pi. That said, a supply not carrying the burden of a computer clocking on it, is better.
3. Series damping resistors on ADC control lines. These are digital interface lines, and use the OVDD supply. Kirchoff's Law over these small distances make it OK to put the series resistance somewhere in the line. If the data line were a transmission line, the series resistance goes at the send end, and the parallel termination goes at the receive end. I would guess that 20Ω to 100Ω anywhere in the line would damp most ringing. That would be stuff for experiment. What such resistors do, (in a big way), is limit the amount of noise in the 0V (digital) return.
These are inputs. They do not take a whole load of current.
The biggest current jolts happen when a count rolls over to put a 1 in the next bit, and all the rest go from 1 to 0, all at once. In the way data is offered from a ADC, I don't think this the major contributor.
All the data output lines are taking power from OVDD. They are trying to assert their rise times and fall times on a line to a Teensy. If a Teensy input can be higher impedance, and likes that ringing is damped, resistance in these lines definitely does limit the currents in the OGND plane.
Resistors here may be more effective than in the control lines. Again, values can be low ohms.
4. Yes please. Test points.
If one is using scope, or DVM, then they can have 1K or so in series. Possibly, the test point tracking should not include the input to the TIA.
5. In my initial test setup, I put the ADC on a "Pi hat" over the GPIO, so separated from any amplifier. I never did get that together, being less than successful at transforming a Pocket Geiger. By the time the gain has been applied, the measure signal is low impedance, and can easily survive going through a twisted pair, or a coax, up to the ADC. Tricky though, because I was concerned not expose the ADC input to too much stuff on the way to it. I put the ADC driver right up next to it.
Over the distances we are talking about, and the frequencies components that might be present, jumpers should be perfectly OK. This is a relatively low frequency amplifier. For me, anything below 50MHz is "almost audio"! Wavelengths are huge compared to any jumper.
Regarding #5. I think you should go with T4.1, and lose the difficulties of accommodating incompatible data links.
Looking at the isolated USB power dodge, it occurs to me that a ex-phone wall wart charger might be cheaper.