Need Side Wheel (Surface Grider) Grinding Advice

Make it a sharp point on the wheel . 1/4" is way too much ! You should end up with a cross hatched finish as on a Blanchard grinder .
I go for 1/8" to 3/16th depending on certain factors, usually revolving around whether I have my reading glasses on or not.

I can get a fine finish on an automatic machine, it just takes forever to sparkout.

MW, on some jobs you may need to plunge grind your sidewheel job.

Dress your wheel like normal and come in to a touch with the side of the wheel.

Then get the wheel above the part, move the part over a few thou (Or tenths depending) and plunge grind your part face. This creates less heat in the part and limits how much the wheel will walk out of line when it engages the steel.

Its time consuming, but I did my small grinding vise this way and it came out nice and square.

I just looked on eBay. They don't give those things away.

Interestingly enough, this type of furnace igniter is nearly identical to a Norbide stick, only smaller.

I have no experience with that particular one, but I use a similar one to dress wheels with fine details that are too small to get with a Norbide stick.
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