Need help with Ring Cam (avoid thread if you have a weak stomach)

I had an awful incident this past week. A pitbull mauled a 14 year old cat of mine. The owner, who lives blocks away I was told, called the police and claimed the cat jumped at the pitbull, in the street, and the pitbull reacted by clamping down on her arm. When I found her, the arm was just hanging. I took her to the vet, who x-rayed the arm, and it was clean broken in 2 places, and there was also a fracture at the elbow also. I have no way of knowing what happened exactly, but I have the sinking feeling the cat didn't do any attacking. Especially considering events that seemed to take place the prior day, won't go into that now. Nearly 1800$ later, the cat is dead, possibly due to negligence on part of the vet, won't get into that either.

I just would like to determine what happened. My neighbor across the street has a Ring Cam. I want to ask that they download and send me the video. The guy isn't particularly savvy technically. I need to know how it's done so I can instruct him. Thanks for any help.
You need a police report filed, spca report filed and the spca may take further action.
Small claims court would be your best action unless the dog owner will do the right thing, but don't count on it.
I went through something similar and it was unpleasant dealing with the dog owner(dog was a pit bull that attacked and bit my dog multiple times).
I have yet to encounter the neighbor across the street. The results of that are yet to be determined.

What I want to do is request the body cam footage of the cop reporting to the scene. It's all rather weird, I don't have a perfect fix on who did what or where. All I know there was blood in the street, where apparently the dog did what it did (allegedly it had a small cut on it's mouth). The owner was with the dog. The animal control person looked at the footage, and reported nothing could be determined. I have my doubts. The "officials" in this town can rarely be trusted IMO. I'm not particularly loved around here, due to the cats roaming free. I'm not breaking any laws. Just that some Jersey people have what could be considered a superstitious fear of cats. It's bizarre.

So does the ring app allow you to quickly attach a bunch of videos to an e-mail? I'd like to find the quickest and easiest way for this individual to do this. I'm even going to offer to pay him 100$ for all the relevant footage. I just have to make it real easy for him.
thanks for all the kind words. Amputation was offered, I said no way. Cost - 5-6000$. I just couldn't bear to think of her arm being cut off. Having limited mobility was far better then none.

I originally drove from the local vet to the hospital thinking I could totally repair her leg for 6000$ (the estimate I was given was 6-7000$). The hospital said it would be between 8-9000$. I don't have anywhere near that to my name. I opted for a splint/cast/?. About 900$ + 500$ for another set of x-rays. Before she even made it to the house, while wearing a collar, the cast came off. I drove her back about 5 hours later. They administered additional sedation. She died on the table.

I will contest these fees, given no thought was given to a cat pulling it off somehow, apparently (and apparently it didn't take much). I don't care what the accepted procedure is, you don't pay that kind of money for a "repair" only to have it fail a very short time later. Apparently she couldn't take all the crap they were pumping into her veins. It was on account of the additional sedation that she died. The vet tried to play that down, although he warned me prior (there was a "low" risk according to him).
believe it or not, most animals do better without the limb than to have a funky limb.
Sue the owners of the dog. The law is clear that a dog must be under control of its owner at all times.
My neighbor has two very aggressive Rottweilers and a Bullmastiff. They are huge and very aggressive. These idiots let them run loose all over the neighborhood. I called animal control on them 4 times but they always lie their way out of it. So I installed video cameras and caught them in the act and forced animal control to cite them. Not long after sure enough one of the dogs attacked the elderly neighbor across the street from me and he sued the crap out of them!! I haven't seen those dogs loose again in the past 7 years.
If he still lives in the same house, he hasn't been sued enough.

I'll never understand how people let possibly dangerous animals run free. There was a pit bull running down the block about 2 years ago. My first concern is for the animal. I jumped in my car, tailed it, while calling the police. It's very easy for a dog to get hit by a car.

About a decade ago I was at a storage facility. 2 pit bulls were running around. My friend at the time worked there. I ducked in the office, he stood outside as if there was nothing in the world to be worried about. But I was the one that followed them on foot! No one else volunteered their time. I walked down a dead end street. Please, no one take this personally, I see this fool with no shirt on, a large white plastic cross hung around his neck hanging down to his navel (and he was black). I couldn't see the dogs at that point, I assumed they were his, so I yelled out "Do you know where they went?". He rudely calls back "I DON'T KNOW!". So I continue wandering around. I track down 1 of them, start pulling and yanking on him to come with me (back to where I saw his owner). But he would have none of it, kept moving down the road. Eventually I see the same guy in front of this fenced house, and he calls the dog in. He explains someone must have left the fence open. He also says I was a very nice man for expressing concern for his dogs. Fido the pit bull knew how to get home though, so all my efforts were for nothing.

Oh, and had to add this as I forgot. The guy tells me "you were lucky nothing happened. He likes to bite people" 8O
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You need a police report filed, spca report filed and the spca may take further action.
Small claims court would be your best action unless the dog owner will do the right thing, but don't count on it.
I went through something similar and it was unpleasant dealing with the dog owner(dog was a pit bull that attacked and bit my dog multiple times).
I don't think the spca has a chapter in this county (Ocean).

If the narrative that the cat attacked the dog is believed, by anyone, there's not much I can do. They could just say the dog was defending itself. But actually what I believed happen was the dog was allowed to walk up the driveway, where she frequently lays. And since she's pretty deaf, she couldn't react in time. I'll find the truth out eventually somehow.