That is indeed true!
The problem is that many/most of us are HOBBY machinists, who never do it full time, and may not go back to any given technique or skill until the next time we need it for a somewhat similar project, which can be years apart, and quite possibly never again. So, we have to get our game brain on, prepare and refresh our memories, learn it from written text from a H-M posting or a YouTube video, new and outright if it is our first go at it (and hoping the advice is correct,) and all of this by ourselves much of the time. And that is quite a different thing than practicing it every day after being shown how to do it right by an experienced pro. We are doing well to at least get ourselves properly prepared for any dangers that come with the operation, much lest try to get it perfect on the first try or the first try in 10 years. Much of the advice we get is not even correct, and the genuinely inquisitive, curious, and cautious will have a lot better "luck."