My Logan 820 Lathe Journey

Using this duplicate post to add some progress…


Almost done…


But I thought those fingers needed to be brass so the would not damage/mark the workpiece… These are steel…
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BTW, paint? just use what you have on hand if it looks good that's a bonus.

Love the old iron too, my Seneca Falls Star is kinda like industrial art. I also have a v-belt driving a reversing jackshaft which drives the flat belt to the spindle. You will want to change the motor out for a 3-phase with VFD....

Don't loose any lantern post tools that came with it, they are nice for the occasional job where a QCTP won't quite fit.

Three (metal) lathes sounds about right, especially if you have two houses, now I need to find another one ;)

@matthewsx , once a workshop is built in the backyard of the new house we will move from our current house… all lathes will be in the same house ;)

Yes, paint I had stored away. When I got paint for the drill press, with how scarce spray paint is, I bought a case of them… so plenty spray in hand to finish this lathe.

I will leave it as is with the current motor… I want to move the belt for changing speeds… doubt I will get tired of that… just love the mechanical aspect/experience of this old machine…

Lantern post, yes Sir, I have to try using it!! :encourage:
You can still change belts if you have variable speed. But you can’t get between speeds with single phase….

Will you have a separate workshop for wood?
You can still change belts if you have variable speed. But you can’t get between speeds with single phase….

Will you have a separate workshop for wood?
Ahhhh true… I just did not wanted to alter the looks of the lathe…well… looks like I will I do a VFD after all… All of you are just bad influence! :D :D

It was never my intention to work on wood…so no separate shop for it… Good thing that Delta lathe has casters…it will be rolled outside when I want to use it…