Meet My Induma 1-S Mill

Walterwoj, I have an Induma just like yours, Love it. Mine doesn't have power feed on table. Inside the column , there should a very well built coolant pump. Had mine for about 10yrs now. Mine is noisy up top and have ordered new bearings for everything except the spindle. I think they are great machines. They say the timing belt is almost impossible to find. Mine has a Gates timing belt #40173.
just a bump on this old thread...any updates to share on this Induma @walterwoj
I've just made a handshake deal on one of these old girls...was curious what sort of calamity and cure you've had to come up with
To my knowledge and experience they are solid reliable machines with no built in gotchas except that they only take SOME Bridgeport parts, some things are different (ie a Bridgeport power feed does not fit without modification). Otherwise, everything wrong with mine I can attribute to user issues (both mine and previous owners!)

If you have any questions please let me know and I'll help where I can!

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I replaced the spindle pin in mine (not an easy task), as the spindle must be removed from the quill; very soon after it was replaced, it sheared off; I never replaced it, and it seemed to be just fine without it, but I did not use collets, just solid adaptors.
Been a toolmaker for 37yrs and all that key/pin has ever done for me is cause confusion when I have to use the odd machine that still has one.