I need to make a 6 sheave pulley

There are a number of manufactures of 5-step pulleys, might be close enough and should be straight forward boring the center to size and putting in a key slot. The ones on Amazon look like junk, the one below is 6" and looks quite substantial may be worth calling around or google "5-step" Pulley -amazon. I had thought you needed 6 V groves all the same and were driving some massive power.
I ordered the Task Industrial.
It's perfect.

Thank you
Yes, I was planning on using a broach. The drilling, boring and keyway was my first operation on my first attempt in my head :)
If there's a spindle under this pulley, it's going to be a spline to match the shaft? If it's a motor
under the pulley, you'll not need the full 6" length to mate to the shaft, so you
can bore relief for the excess length.

If the (cast iron) Durabar is questionable for a strong keyway, how unreasonable is it to broach a mild steel
sleeve then glue it in? That'd be a possible fallback plan, in any case.