I have one for Nelson

Sorry Paul but I must respectfully disagree. I am a Union Machinist (Retired) I live in Connecticut (All my life). I was taught the differance in 1969 by my mentor during my apprenticeship.

Now with that said you are right at the same time. So because of this, answer this for me, Is there such a thing as a Jig/Fixture. The answer will solve our different opinions. LOL

"Bill Gruby"

Bill there is such a thing as a Jig/Fixture, That being said I was just saying what happened back then. I was working a job in Michigan at the time. And I did get fined by the union for saying Jig because I didn't see anything wrong with it.

Crappie are interesting fish. 4R8, here is a little wiki info for ya:


Bill, you're right, Crappie make for a lively discussion. Good eating too.

Used jigs and fixtures all my life, and even here in the South, use of the word jig would raise some eyebrows. Odd thing though, there doesn't seem to be the racial mix in the shops here, especially in the small shops. And unions only exist in the largest.

Sadly, people with a tendency to use racial slurs don't stop with the simple/mild ones.

hey seem fairly similar in appearance to our Golden Perch which is also a fresh water fish. Not as common as your Crappie but sought after none the less.

Bill, I do believe you should dig through your trivial knowledge and forward another question provoking similar interest

This will include the dreaded math, Geometry, Trig etc.
"Bill Gruby"
Well you had me up until that point. :(

But I would still like to see what other folks come up with. I'm bound to learn something even if I don't understand the math. :)
I say go for it!
Sure Bill....lets have a work problem. Worse case...we fowl it all up.....even pros do that sometimes :-)

I'm only pedantic to the point of making sure I use the more correct of all possible terms, and hopefully educate others by making them look up new (to them) words.

Part of that is QC/QA work, cause or effect I don't know. But, in general, I'm a stickler for detail, to a fault and much to the dismay of my wife. But then, when we met and married, she was a proofreader for a major insurance company headquarter office. -sigh-
Now I am all depressed. Its cold and rainy here and I want to go fishing for Crappy, Calico Bass, Golden Perch, or anything that will bite a hook. :tiphat:

My weak answer to the question would be

Fixture holds parts for some process.

Jig is a fixture that is designed to hold repeated parts for production.

OK, I have one for you --- The word is "Vernier" , you know, as used in, say 'vernier caliper' or, 'vernier scale'

Its derived from a Frenchmans name (as I recall) who invented the scale.

When I was in the Air Force taking a course, the instructor pronounced it the "ver-ni-er" scale, but here in the area that I live in its pronounced "ver-neer" (like the wood covering) I think it is a localized thing.

I think?? that "ver-ni-er" is probably the 'correct' version -- but, obviously it dont make a rats a** as long as we know what we are talking about...