I broke my SouthBend 9" !!!


At least you had the courage to talk about it, how many would have suffered in silent shame?

Glad it was a simlpe fix. they often are.

I worked on an industrail food packaging machine the other day where the key had slipped out of the keyslot and was bouncing around inside the rubber coupling. My guess is that at the factory when they tightened up the set screw they did not make sure it was resting on the key, so the key was free to slide in the slot. Took a few hours to get to the vacuum pump, get the motor off the pump and get it back together, but worked fine after that. Tell tale sign, the shaft for the pump did not turn even though the motor was running.

Something good came out of this (even if it was an overlooked issue)...............

You learned about the inner workings of the lathe. Time spent taking apart/putting together any machine is much better than sitting at a desk staring at paperwork.
Re: I broke my SouthBend 9

Ok...you have forced me to do this. Read this thread:


During what had started as a very nice restoration effort, I jammed the overarm support bar in my first VN #12. Instead of exercising some small degree of intelligence to remove it, Nelson the idiot decided to pound on it with a mini-sledge hammer and mushroom the ends, making it certain NEVER to come out. I also used a small pip wrench on it, scarring it up, scarring my hands, and tiring my stupid butt out. Then I hacksawed the end off with a hacksaw to try to get the mushroomed part off. I ruined the ram, and the overarm bar. It was a mess.

Here is Jim B, pitying Nelson the idiot, drawing the bar out using intelligent methods that a machinist would use. He ground down the mushroomed parts with his angle grinder, had a welder weld a hex nut to the end of the overam bar, soaked it in Kroil for 2 days, and used a length of allthread to leverage the overarm support bar out of there:



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