How to machine hole on top edge of workpiece

My boring head/bar set from eBay (shown in post #14 of this thread) showed up yesterday (pretty darn quick). And I was able to use it to bore the hole to the proper size. Not a great finish on the walls, but a bit of sanding made it pretty and allowed the mating rod to slip in.

This brings me to another question. If you look at my part (post #15), you can see the aforementioned hole at the right side. On the left side of the part, there is a flat being used to clamp the part. On both sides of the flat, there is a radius. The bottom radius is 3/8". The top one is 3/4". If you look carefully, you can see those cuts are approximated since I did them on the bandsaw and sanding drum. Can I use the boring bar to clean up those radii?