How Do I Deepen Weld Fusion?

chuck: Will buy and try and practice with: UltraCore® 71A75 Dual
It looks like I can use my existing 75Argon/25CO2 gas mix.
I will have to get chipping hammer/slag brush. Any suggestions?

One more thing, what would you recommend for an arc welder for 1/2" steel?

I will study, practice and, hopefully, learn. Thanks
Is there any bad or useful result from using regular flux-core wire with gas?
the deoxidizers in SELF shielded flux cores must have exposure to the oxygen in the air. DO NOT USE SHIELDING GAS WITH SELF SHIELDING WIRES. There is a good reason for this and it has to do with the aluminum in the reaction. I don't remember the chemistry behind this but it is specically mentioned in one of my books or literature.
Thanks to the help in this item, I've completed the welds on the left side wheel assembly for my stand.
Some aren't the prettiest but I'm pretty sure they will hold.

I'm waiting until tomorrow for the spool of 70s3 wire to weld the side pieces that require multi-pass welds.

left dolly_0481.JPG

t-welds_0484.JPG wheel tab weld_0483.JPG
Some aren't the prettiest but I'm pretty sure they will hold.
They'll hold. And paint hides a lot of ugly, just kidding, The technique, with mig, is to move forward and backward, forward gets to the toe of the fillet weld, then back up a little to fill the weld, this gives the pleasing ripples. Most gun motion with mig is forward and back, no side to side. The roots may need a little side to side, if that is the case then on the next root lower your voltage and wfs . After the roots are in turn the welder bach up to the proper settings for the fill passes.