chuck: I feel that I need to ask some stupid questions. I hope I don't offend you with my obvious lack of knowledge. Here goes.
1. I bought some ER70s-6 .045 solid core wire which I was going to use for this job. Apparently it is not appropriate?
2. I read your lincoln links for flux core wire. Is there a flux core wire I could use in my 350P for trailer building, implement repair, truck and car repair? From reading your links it would seem that the choice of a gas shielded flux core wire would be between:
1. E70T-1s shielded by 100% CO2;
2. E71T-1 shielded by 90% Argon 10% CO2; or
3. "For semi-automatic welding in the flat position, the fastest way to join thick steel plate is with an E70T-4. It offers the highest semi-automatic deposition rates, up to 40 pounds per hour. This wire is widely used to join thick steels where there is no Charpy impact toughness requirement. This wire is also self-shielded, allowing it to be easily used outdoors."
If I can use my 350P to do structural work with the appropriate wire/gas combination, I would like to learn what to use and then practice how to use it...
3. I also searched for "350P flux core" and came up with, among other things, this :
"The 350P doesn't have any parameters on it's front door chart for fluxcore wire, at least mine doesn't. It is intended for only in-shop use and has no pulse program for fluxcore either. I guess Miller doesn't really expect anyone to be using it for fluxcore welding.
It has mig and pulse parameters for solid steel wire and gas and aluminum and stainless wire, as well as some other alloys, I think copper and bronze, I never use the other alloys so not familiar with it that way. Parameters for running fluxcore in a 350P have to either come from a slide chart or from the wire manufacturer or from seat of the pants.
I have not run a dual shield wire in my 350P but have run fluxcore self shield, both in mig and pulse. I used the solid wire and gas parameters as the starting point and adjusted from there."
4. "As to your tractor, I would use a 6010 and finish out with lincoln 7018,s one with a D designation,,,," I searched for this and learned that these are rods for arc welding? Do you recommend arc welding for trailer building, construction, and farm implement repair? If so, what do you recommend for an arc welder? Finally, apparently I naively thought that by buying a large high amperage mig welder that I could weld thick materials such as 1/2" steel. If I need an arc welder to do that, please let me know.
Your help is truly appreciated.