Harbor Freight Arbor Press Upgrades

and the extension is screwed in to the pinion gear ...so you tapped the the end of the pion gear? i may have to do a video of this process...
This is the superior method IMHO that I wish I would have known about before cutting a couple of teeth out of mine. I went back and did this on my 2tn Jet along with a handwheel on the same side as the extension. Luckily the missing teeth didn’t mess anything up.
so i did these mods for a friend i'm giving this to...now i'm going to have to find another one for myself :P. i think ill use the extended shaft ..i dig that
yup, easy peezy. Like I said, my other mods were a handwheel which makes it easy to roll up the rack to the top and the other is replacing one of the gib screws on the front with a thumb screw to easily set tension and this way you can hold the rack in place during adjustment if whatever.
so i did these mods for a friend i'm giving this to...now i'm going to have to find another one for myself :p. i think ill use the extended shaft ..i dig that
personally I don't like the 1tn as it just doesn't have enough stroke. 2tn is better, but I wish I could have found a deal on a 3tn. But my ancient Jet is as stout as a 3tn, with just not as much stroke, but I made mod that made up for it in the stand.
Most 3 ton presses have almost enough stroke for C broaches (11.75 in.). Been thinking of ways to get that little bit of extra, but so far I haven't had the need.
Not necessary, an extension on the pinion gear shaft allows re-clocking the handle without raising the ram.
I like it; I removed the lower teeth years ago, but it is a pain adjusting the handle position. I’m adding this mod to my project list, and I think I’ll include a light spring on the extension to keep the pinion normally engaged.