Goofs & Blunders You Should Avoid.

I think it's the red cans that have something bad in them , but they work better than the green cans . I love the smell of the red stuff also , maybe that's why my brain is shot . :grin:
Ultraviolet energy from welding flash or burning makes some phosgene. The tertachloroethylene itself isn't horrendously toxic, it's on the side of rather or somewhat toxic compared to phosgene. TCE smells sweet, phosgene smells like boiling hydrochloric acid or chlorine gas, for comparison. I needed a vapor degreaser this weekend, I broke into my case of TCE I bought when the EPA announced the ban last year.
Something you want to avoid entirely is leaving your finger where the 10ton foot pedal operated pneumatic hydraulic press ram is doing its job........don't worry,I was VERY lucky and got away with a slightly tender middel finger just behind the nail and slightly blue.

I was broach 14mm keyways and as I was holding a bolt to just let the broach go through,I somehow got my finger trapped between the flange and the ram,because the bolt was way to short. As I realized what was about to happen, I stopped pressing down on the foot peddal but accidentally gave it it another tap with my foot. I then took my foot completely off just to THINK before I use the peddal again. Then I made sure to RELEASE the pressure. I tell you,one small tap extra and I would have crushed my finger. I THANK GOD who watched over me today. I was very very lucky.

BE CAREFUL GUYS AND GIRLS. Stuff like this happens quickly.
I've found that seating the back end of the drill bit in the back of the chuck makes centering the drill bit a little easier. Of course, if the drill is shorter than the depth of the chuck this doesn't work.

In the spirit of blunder. I have had the following experience. I needed to drill two .040 holes in a piece of aluminum, 3/16 thick. After breaking three or four drills I realized that the hand feed on my mill was not sensitive enough for me to feel when the bit was in aluminum, and i'd jam it into the material before slowing the feed. Talk about ham handed.
You need one of these.
