@AlfromNH Like many have said on here, once the fundamentals of HOW to operate in a CAD environment are understood, the WHAT to use becomes less of an issue.
Fusion 360 would be a good choice due to the robust community support, including YouTube videos. I would personally not use any output from Fusion to try and 3D print with. You will need to use a dedicated slicer such as PrusaSlicer, SuperSlicer, Cura, etc for your printer.
I tried FreeCad and did not like it at all, but that is a personal preference. I have spent most of my time in the Solidworks environment.
As far as a particular company holding your files hostage and having to pay thousands of dollars to access your own files is hogwash. If one is that concerned, you can export your files out of any program in a STEP214 format. This allows interoperability between CAD platforms should you decide to switch CAD programs or share them.