Five Cylinder Radial With Ohc

Stack the blanks and cut them all at once Charles. It's all downhill after the first one.

"Billy G"
Stack the blanks and cut them all at once Charles. It's all downhill after the first one.

"Billy G"
If you stack them, then you need to be careful about cutting tapers that can add up to out of tolerance conditions.
Are you using a mill or lathe to cut them? The taper could happen in the lathe when stacked but it's doubtful in the mill.

"Billy G"
Are you using a mill or lathe to cut them? The taper could happen in the lathe when stacked but it's doubtful in the mill.

"Billy G"
It doesn’t matter if done on a lathe or mill. What matters is the machines datum center line holding the arbor and blank(s) must be true to the cutters travel. And I do stack/sandwich blanks on each end of the project being made. When you do this, it helps reduce the possibility of burrs on the project.
Unfortunately the gears are integral with the shafts so each has to be cut on its own.

I just started reading this thread yesterday. All I can say is WOW! Take this for what it is coming from a newbie. I am in awe! I am amazed! And I am inspired!
Welcome Metal Monkey, and all, don't forget Questions are allowed I enjoy your participation.
Beautiful work Brian.
It's been a while since I looked at your progress posts here. I was scrolling through looking at the pictures and noticed an angle indicator on your mill head in one of the pictures.
I apologize if this is a repeat question, but what type set-up do you have for this ??? and how's the accuracy ???
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