It just gets billed automatically when it passes through customs. Some sellers minimize the value to reduce the fee (it is not much anyway). It is not like there is some expert looking in every box and making a judgement on the value, they just take the word of the exporter in it's value and classification.How is it collected? Can anyone who has bought from say, Aliexpress post their experience?
Just measure it with a tape measure and add at least 1/2". You want the scale to be a bit over long, crashing the read head it not good, and it makes mounting easier.I am looking at this set from Aliexpress and am wanting to know what lengths to get for a G0704 Mill.
They say travel length measurement.
Anyone know for sure what that would be for a G0704?
In the videos they show running the table all the way to the left and marking the knee and table. Then run the table all the way to the right then measure between the lines .I am looking at this set from Aliexpress and am wanting to know what lengths to get for a G0704 Mill.
They say travel length measurement.
Anyone know for sure what that would be for a G0704?
Looks like the 704 has an 'X' of 18.88"(500mm) and a 'Y' of 6.88"(200mm)I am looking at this set from Aliexpress and am wanting to know what lengths to get for a G0704 Mill.
They say travel length measurement.
Anyone know for sure what that would be for a G0704?