Yea, well, I guess lately the GBP and USD has flip flopped on which one is stronger... plus, mentally thinking of prices from just 12 months ago is useless... between shipping, inflation, it's hard to know what things cost just 2 years ago.Must have gotten the exchange rate backwards, oh well. see where it goes.
Yes, that was an option I'm considering... This is just as good I guess (if not better) than trying to hook it up to the DRO... one less cable that needs to run back to the DRO (that's the better part)...I used an Igaging Absolute scale on the tailstock and it worked fine.
If I want 3 axis lathe DRO, machine-dro is my go to and is less than PM's MX-200 2 axis.... as usual, it'll come down to what I'm comfortable with for support/warranty.