Have been chipping away at the details.
- Machine is now wired with selector switch - moving the DC power between servos. (more on that in a minute).
- Dug in to the wiring - realized separate conduit to servos just for encoder. Since encoder's won't be used, removed.
- DRO on hold until they send me the proper steel with peal off backing.
- Some tools and clamping kit arrived - and... we have ignition!
Yes. It's just a hole.
However - thought y'all may have insights - good or bad - on how you see my feed method and speeds.
Am now looking for advice and help in a couple areas.
After installing the selector switch, servos are not moving reliably at low speed settings - like they did when powered separately without selector. Presume I've added too much resistance through either longer wiring runs (home run) or the switch itself - or both.
How could I improve?
- Is this an Amp issue vs a Volt issue *(I've tried a power supply with 50amp and 15V and a 30V 10amp. Both suffer same in this set up).
- How might I optimize - slow feed is nice for control.
Control board.
Left top potentiometer is for spindle speed.
Left middle is servo selector switch home run to box - then out to servos. Note - existing servos wiring is about 14 or 16 gauge and runs from main box to servos, however, I used 20/4 for running form switches to control box.
Left bottom is servo speed control
Right top - emergency stop
Right middle - spindle direction
Right bottom - Servo up down or left right when selected with left middle selector switch.
Switch specs