Jim - Below your written out schematic.
There are 3 wires coming off the E stop. I have direction below for the green and blue wires on the E stop. Is the white unused?
On the VFD, jump +24V to PW
Connect COM to 2 on the E-stop switch
Connect 1 on the E-stop switch to 3 and 4 on the bottom of the For/Rev switch
Connect 3 from the top of the For/Rev switch to S1 on the VFD
Connect 4 from the top of the For/Rev switch to S2 on the VFD
Connect one side of the speed control pot to +10V on the VFD
Connect the other side of the speed control pot to GND on the VFD, this the analog GND, not earth ground (PE)
Connect the center terminal on the speed control pot to AI1 on the VFD
Make sure to set jumper J16 to V
If the speed control is backwards, then swap the +10V and GND wires.
Set P5.01 = 1, S1 = Run Forward
Set P5.02 = 2, S2 = Run Reverse
See P5.10, Terminal Control Mode
Set P5.10 = 0
Run Command Source
Set P0.01 = 1, Terminal
Frequency Command Source
Set P0.07 = 1, AI1
Link to joystick: