So other little thoughts going forward to make it more user friendly(after looking over websites of companies that repair these). Input and opinions requested
You might be a bit shocked at the pricing on the repairs and upgrades to the existing hardware. I think I would go in a different direction, especially because you are dealing with 25 year old technology.
1: Adding a card reader.
If you can find a serial (RS232) card reader and old DOS drivers for it, it might work. If the existing software will support it.
2. Adding the third axis
If you can find the software to run it, the system was designed to run 3 axis
3. using that Ethernet port on the card to integrate into the home network( I don't have a computer with a RS432 port)
I don't think that the E-net port exists on that card. There is the space for it but I'm guessing it's not enabled in firmware. It may be possible to add it. Finding drivers might be a challenge. Not something I would do.
4. Would option 3 allow it to run Wifi in some form? That would open it way up. Cell phone control etc..
I think you would have to add a Windows based computer to the system and use that to communicate with the controller computer.
What is the "feature connector?
I dunno
What is the Flat Panel connector?
I suspect they had an option for some kind of a auxiliary operator panel. Normally these are RS232 or RS485 serial devices. Maybe some kind of a touch screen device.
The existing software probably supports serial communications so I would add a more modern computer and use that as the gateway for the external communications. Then just pass the G-code to the Anilam computer. You can pick up an older Windows computer with a serial port for almost nothing or many times for free. Setting up the comms might be an interesting project. Again this would require some compatible terminal software on the Windows computer, I don't know if Hyper Terminal (installed as part of Windows) would work or not. For longer programs, it might require that a drip system be set up. That is where an outside device loads G-code as the controller computer will take it.
If you want, I give my software away for free. But it will only work with Galil Motion Control products. If you want to do that upgrade I can help you out. But I recommend that you use what you have first to get familiar with CNC and writing G-code in conversational mode from the screen.