2021 POTD Thread Archive

Turned a couple of file handles this afternoon. My work schedule has been kind of screwy lately so I haven’t been in the shop for a while but this was an easy afternoon excuse. The bigger one is from some apple wood I had blanked out years ago for something else then lost interest, and the smaller one is canary wood or “putmuju” from an off cut I had in the scrap bin. I better get cracking on using some of this stuff up, not a whole heck of lot of time left to make use of it!

Turned a couple of file handles this afternoon. My work schedule has been kind of screwy lately so I haven’t been in the shop for a while but this was an easy afternoon excuse. The bigger one is from some apple wood I had blanked out years ago for something else then lost interest, and the smaller one is canary wood or “putmuju” from an off cut I had in the scrap bin. I better get cracking on using some of this stuff up, not a whole heck of lot of time left to make use of it!

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The handles came out very nice and have a good shape. Did you make the ferrules? If so, how?
Did you make the ferrules? If so, how?
Thanks, and yes I did. They’re nothing special, just short lengths of tube I had around. I think the larger one is 3/4” steel, maybe 060 wall or something like that, and the smaller one is 1/2” copper plumbing. I turn the stub on the handle for a nice snug fit and then press the ferrule on in the shop press. Works fine.

For the hole in the handle I discovered one of those Uni-bits or “Christmas tree” stepped bits you use for sheet metal works great. The steps are almost a dead match for the tapered tang on files but otherwise I’d just drill some stepped holes with different size bits to approximate the taper.
Was cleaning up the old shop yesterday, and came across an old stool with a missing caster, that I had grabbed out of a dumpster somewhere. Was contemplating throwing it out, but decided to fix it. Had some other casters, but a different size mounting shaft. Seemed like a good excuse to go play on the lathe for a while. Drilled, turned, and parted a bushing out of some scrap, and tacked it in. Now I have yet another place to to rest my weary old butt, when I'm working on stuff. Mike

Today i've finally found the time to finish fitting and welding the new sill panel, it fitted very well. Welding did not went as plan, not wanting to take the doors off i had to squeeze my mig welder in between and with my injured back i had to lean on it to get up and it broke. The neck on my mig gun broke, i did wrap some tape on it and finish the job, the weld looks like crap but they are solid. I did smooth them over and apply some undercoating on the bottom and body filler on the seams, but because of the pain did not take any pictures. All the bending, and fumes aren't helping my health, so the rest of the day me and couple of friends took a walk to an near by water fall. Walking and the fresh air really helps.
How many things have you made that took a stupid amount of time to build just for one job, a job you probably could have done with some other tool you already have?

Enter, my new nibbler table. I needed to cut a somewhat complex part out of sheet aluminum and I thought a nibbler would be the best way so I bought one of those cheapie tools that hook onto a drill. But then I thought free-handing was going to be too tough so I decided to build the table so I could just move the metal. Or, I could have just used my jigsaw.

Had posted a cpl pics in my intro,all good but,they probably belong here?

Anyway,110% best known for building high performance Trad bows(longbows and recurves). Been at it for 40 years. PSE has been a player in trad bows for a long time,we make custom limbs for their risers,yadayada. Not soliciting IN THE LEAST,heck rarely even talk about it online... only mentioned to put this project in perspective.

PSE, headed by Pete Sheply celebrating 50 years in the biz came out with a hybrid compound in 2020. About as close to 1/2 way between a short,fast hunting bow and a long,smooth target model.

This is my first compound. Having been around to see the very first Jennings/Allen contraptions back in the late 60's. Anyway,I was looking to get into extremely long(for archery),varmint shooting. So snagged their 50th anniversary EVO NXT 33.

Carbon fiber stabilizers. Seems the drone racing guys can't get enough CF? That's where I found the tubing,on evilbay. I had put up a pic the other day of the angled,rear block.... covered in gun skins camo wrap. Well here's another cpl pics of what I've been machining the last few days.

The front bar is the max length I can run in 3D competition for the fixed pin,hunter class. Oh yeah,when not slinging arrows at crows and Ghogs,you're gonna find me taking lessons from some national champs on a 3D range. I've brought home a bunch of "wood" in the Trad class,all the compound shooters know me,they're gonna be coaches for the new "varmint bow".
