2020 Archive

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Is there some way to make these gigantic images smaller?

I didn't realize that my posts were causing problems. Most of the pics are screen captures off my phone and there isn't a setting that I know of to change the size. Im never on my computer and do most everything from my phone.

I'll quit posting them.
I didn't realize that my posts were causing problems. Most of the pics are screen captures off my phone and there isn't a setting that I know of to change the size. Im never on my computer and do most everything from my phone.

I'll quit posting them.
I appreciate the thought, but please don’t stop just on my account. I personally hate it, and I’m usually the first to complain, when a minority opinion affects activities that the majority are happy with. Was just asking if there is an easy way to reduce large image sizes.

Some people don't use/have Photoshop as such. When I first started using WinDoze 10, images did transfer to a uSoft program. I managed to find the parameter eventually to call Photoshop, but there is a WinDoze app that handles the images.

I hope I'm not violating a forum rule. This video is hilarious! This should be the complete link.


Is there some way to make these gigantic images smaller?

Click on the image,and grab a corner and pull toward the center to make the image smaller. It won't do anything for reducing the size of the image file though.
I am NOT advocating this as a must do rule but as info if anyone wants to take the time.
If you only use your mobile phone to take and post images and its an android phone then have a look here.
Caveat - I havnt used any of these but photo compress 2 seems like a goodie.
If you have never used an image compression program then a couple of things to think about.
Do these programs remove the original photo once they have done there reduction process?
If so then can they save the new image without deleting/removing/overwriting the original image?
If they do and you want to keep the original image then this may not be for you.
I always copy my images and re save them in a different folder before working on them.
If you want to print the original image then keep its original resolution and do nothing to it.
If you only want to view it on the computer screen then resize it to around 800x600 at 180 dpi and it will look very good and sharp but will print quite small. Even reduced as small as 600x400 looks ok on the computer screen. Most of my posted images are well below 800 Kb in size.
Most image editing apps allow you to improve contrast and sharpness before saving as well and if they allow keep proportions and use Bicubic resampling. These are old terms so may be different on phone apps.
Because we are an image heavy group the difference between an original picture and a compressed picture can be in the realms of 9 or more Mb so it should speed up downloads.
I believe the forum software auto resizes the images but am unsure if it does it on every download or just the once on uploading them.
Hope this is of interest to some.

Is there some way to make these gigantic images smaller?

One problem with newer generation smartphones is that the images are huge.
Also when posting I delete the image from the message body, then scroll down and select 'Thumbnail' which inserts a much smaller pict which can still be selected if the reader wants to see the original larger image.
Irfanview, is, IMO the easiest to use, small footprint - doesn't use a lot of memory.
Unfortunately it's only available for windoze.
Has a 'batch' function which is real handy.
I posted a How-To thread years ago but can't find it now. Must have been lost during one of the dB issues.

I take my my picts from the phone & drop them in a folder then batch convert them, reducing the size by at least 60%
This takes a 6+MB .JPG and reduces it to less than .5MB
Then those are the ones I post. Takes a bit of time bit it is helpful to reduce them for members who have limited or metered internet connections.

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