Those boring bars work OK, but often need to be properly ground first. Often there is not enough relief under the cutting edge, especially when boring smaller holes. The rubbing below the cutting edge can be seen if you you look carefully. If so, the steel shank and the brazed carbide can be ground (separately) to make more clearance. The quick and dirty fix is to roll the bar downward a bit to a negative rake, which also changes the geometry to give more clearance. Change the tool height to keep the cutting edge on center. Amazingly, I have got very good results with the negative rake cutting angle. Moving the tool above center also gives more relief, though I have not had so good results with trying it... Unfortunately, grinding the carbide requires diamonds to do a good job, Silicon Carbide wheels can be used for roughing, and the edges will be rough afterwards. They can be finished honed with a diamond "file" or diamond "credit card."