2017 - The Original "What Did You Buy Today?" Mega Thread

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Today i had some time to spare so i visited the local tool markets, but being winter and the temperature dropped there wasn't much to find i only bought couple threading taps and dies and couple of carbide inserts.
Well not today but just got part of it cleaned up a bit. Got a Enco RF30 mill, with a 4inch Kurt vice, set of r8 collets, a set of 5c collets, A spin indexer for the 5 c collets, a 6 inch rotary table, bunch of srew jacks, endmils, drill chucks, pretty much everything I need to get going a bit. INcluding a 12x18 x3 surface plate. Oh and also go an old Craftsman 6x48 combo belt grinder. His grandfather passed away and did not know what much of the stuff was so I had to educate him as well. Will be posting another thread on asking what some things would be worth that he still has.
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