The SportKA commercial is indeed British....thier sense of humor is often......different......even for Canadians it often seems....well, weird.....I'm not surprised that is a Ford ad, they never make funny ads in europe. That one was probably made by the British. One funny car advert i remember from my childhood is for peugeot 206, and the one for Niva, i'll put links to them.
Oh my, that is not a good mental picture......If i'm being honest, i drive like the lada driver, my brother is worse, he usually has cigaret in one hand his phone in the other and he is going way too fast, potholes, sidewalks, everything is for him to drive over. I'm surprised he doesn't get in more accidents, most of his accidents are in parking and turning around, probably because he uses his belly to turn the steering wheel.
Bad yellow kitty.Looks like the Niva got jealous of how you treated the other cars and peed on the carpet.