

Active User
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
Well thats it. I can no longer watch youtube videos unless I pay for premium (way to expensive) or allow the phenomenal number of brainless ads to play with.
If there weren't so many adds inserted into the vids I wouldn't mind but the huge number per video is beyond the pale.
I now award youtube the order of the extended middle digit.
If advertisers understood how annoying and ineffective their plots to relieve me of my money are, they would certainly choose a different approach. I go out of my way to not buy anything that has irritated me by ramming it down my throat through over exposure
I understand there are some great content creators on the platform, but the sheer number of incompetent hacks who can’t even be troubled to use a tripod turned me off long ago.

Maybe it’s my film/video production background, but it’s mostly a hard pass for me on anything but short music videos.

Several of the add blockers are working on means to circumvent this new measure. I just open another tab while the message is posting and ticking the time, and then dismiss it and watch the video. If circumvention becomes impossible, then I'll choose to view content elsewhere.
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Now I know there’s nobody on here young enough to NOT remember a time when commercials during programming were normal. That’s your bathroom break, or chance to get the popcorn, or pick a fight with your little brother.

I’d just like a more well rounded selection of ads. Try to sell me some dish soap or a vacuum cleaner for gods sakes. I much prefer non targeted ads.