QCGB Question

Dang! A lot more to it than I first thought.

Sounds like I need to slow down a bit. Not like that will be a huge issue. I started this referb in July. Then got distracted, turned into my "winter project" now nearly spring and I'll be distracted again.

I have some small parts to paint still anyway so I'll figure out the lube and hold off on assembly.

Thanks again.
If you have a "Tractor Supply" store nearby they probably have "Traveller Non-Detergent Oil SAE 30" in quarts and 2 gallon jugs. You may be able to find similar oil at NAPA.
SAE 10 and SAE 30 plain ole ND motor oil are still readily available. At least in Houston. Just a few years ago, I hit just about every auto parts store within about 10 miles of home looking for SAE 20. Every one of the places had at least a few cans of 10 and 30. Absolutely none had 20. At least three places that I went to the extra trouble to ask couldn't find any in their catalogs, either. So in my case (wanting 20), I ended up using Mobile heavy medium circulating oil at ISO 68. But the other two shouldn't be a problem.