My new ( but it’s old) Parker Majestic

Like I said. That piece of unknown plastic ( I think it came from a car I had ?) isn’t pretty but it serves its purpose for now.


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So… even though I have a LOT MORE WORK to do moving and organizing my tiny shop…. I just had to try the grinder out and test my dust collection system too.
Some people have “tiny houses.” I have a “tiny shop”
Anyway, I really need to cut a full length piece of steel to properly test the SG. I may have to grind the magnetic chuck. But I did a quick test with a test indicator and it wasn’t bad. So that and the electromagnetic chuck will have to wait. I ground a small piece of steel and it came out fairly flat and uniformly ground. The finish leaves a lot to be desired. But I am waiting on a new wheel for the grinder and am using what I had. Heck, it’s not even a properly dressed wheel. I couldn’t find the diamond dressers. I eventually found them in my toolbox. Who would have guessed that they were where they belonged ?
I think that the current wheel needs to be dressed. Looks like it’s loaded up with steel. Maybe that’s what caused those burn marks on the test bar I ground ?
I know I read a similar thread which had a piece of steel that also discussed lines like those on my test piece. I can’t find that thread. Anyway, I still haven even pulled my table. But in all honesty I’m not worried about the table being dirty. Moreover I’m going to try to fix the backlash..
My Parker Majestic has a rack and pinion drive for the table. Most of what I’ve read about PM grinders are from people who have steel bands driving the table. We shall see.


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So, I dressed the wheel finally. I probably looked for my bag of diamond dressers for an hour before I finally gave up. Anyway I opened a drawer of my toolbox to get something else and there they were… the dressers. Sitting in a baggie with the words “diamond dressers “ right there.


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