My neighbor called the police on me for noise pollution

You don't understand, we're patriotic Americans and have the freedom to do whatever we like. Besides, your point involves personal responsibility and being polite, never mind being aware of the local laws before moving in and complaining. Now, where'd I put my "loud pipes save lives" stickers?
Bright lights work nicely and don't hurt other's ears.
With 'The Tail of the Dragon' in our backyard I've noticed a vast difference in lights the last several years.
Some you can see clearly others are rather poor in my opinion. LEDs in this case are much better during the day.
I personally like the ones with 'wobblers' on the front.
Vehicle drivers need to pay better attention and they don't, they are in such a big hurry that they do a rolling stop and pull right out in front of traffic.
A co-worker died on his bike when a work van pulled out in front of him - it was determined the van had blown off the stop.
Another accident I came upon where an elderly driver turned his Taurus right in front of a couple on a cruiser. They were in bad shape, luckily there were two nurses behind them when it happened and were able to provide aid.
The driver was so addled that myself and another bystander had to stop him. He was trying to start his car while muttering 'I have to get away...'.
Sickening accident.
Quiet is important for resting and sleeping. However, quietness can also cause depression.
Lack of activities, lack of hobbies are the main source of obesity, heart disease and cancer.

I don't want to go deep here, but in some country, the noise level is crazy in city with all those motor cycle. I know, they're 3rd world country. But you'll be surprised that the people over there actually do "live". They enjoy life, enjoy coffee out with friends on side of a noisy street. I don't advocate everything about that, but there is something about it that is good.

When I first came to the US, I was a bit depressed because I didn't see people outside of their house, I didn't hear much noise.

A long time back, I was remodeling the house and I got carried away, wasn't aware of the time. One very nice neighbor yelled out: "somebody got to sleep and work tomorrow". I just yelled back: "I am sorry", and stopped working.
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My biggest complaint is the weekend bike races and tours that stream past our house. Some years ago, when it was thought that Chicago might have a shot at the Olympics, Part of the "Tour" was to have run on our road. Cyclists from all over the midwest started running on our road.

i know where you're coming from. i don't ride my bike much because of all the noise it makes - wheezing, breathing hard...
The only thing I can think is overall mental health has just gotten sketchy. My disabled survivalist alt right brother decided he was going to be with his tribe and left CA in a huff for the freedom and quiet of rural PA on a turn of the last century house on 5ac. It really was like reverse Beverly Hillbilles complete with his overloaded truck blowing up and spending a week in a WallyWorld parking lot. He gets to his paradise and there is a lot of adjustment. But he doggedly will not admit any problems only talking about glad to be where he is. But mentions in passing he's having a problem with his neighbors who because the original survey of the land is lost in the sands of time and the house was abandoned for decades have appropriated his property on both sides. One neighbor is on the city council equivalent of the hamlet and the other is the clan of local multi generational "bad seed" criminals and scumbags. I decided to take a look at Google maps and OMG. Like bad stereo types not only is their 5+ac completely covered in junk of all kinds it spills into and is blocking the river that skirts all three properties. Talk about you have to be careful what you wish for!
This neighbor has a creek behind his house with a bike/walking path on either side of the creek. This particular bike path does not have a problem with homeless people, however.

I am 53 years old, and this is the first time in my life that I have had a problem with a complaining neighbor. The only way that I can think to solve it is to appease him.

One time my teenage son had a friend come over, and my son’s friend made the mistake of parking in front of my neighbor’s house. My neighbor knocked on our door, and told him that if he didn’t move his car that he was going to call the police. My son’s friend said “whatever” and moved his car. This is the type of person that I am dealing with. The car had only been parked there for about 10 minutes. I think the guy is bored and looking for problems. That would’ve been a really good time to not move the car and let him call the cops, and the cops would have said to him “Why the heck are you calling us out for this?!”
Street parking is fair game.

If someone parks in front of his house he cannot call cops.

Cops may advise he is a problem and they can enter into their call system that he is a complainer.

Whenever he threatens to call cops whip out your phone and tell him you will call for him and make the call.

He will likely ask you to stop.

First time just call a friend and wing it...

State that the dispatcher told you that the complainer must call themselves and hang up.

In past lives we maintained the comm systems for most of the small town departments and had their numbers memorized and with a few times this happened we would call one who would not be the responding office but would wing it as if they were, background noises such as radio traffic works wonders.

Dispatcher give them a lecture about tying up resources for responding to selfish petty stupid stuff was not going to happen.

They would follow up with remarks about how well the officers examine things like license plates on parked cars or other things they can ticket for while they are there...

Usually fixes the issue.

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I suggest you keep your garage door closed and turn off the music.

Why not just wear headphones?

I got the full update from our next door neighbor who has lived across the street and one house down from this baby for 30 years. He complained about her boat on their side yard, and she got two citations and had to build a higher fence to hide the boat. She extended this high fence all the way across her front yard, and she said this was entirely for the purpose of insulating her family from this clown.

She said that he is widely known as a compulsive complainer by both LE and anybody in the neighborhood who has been unlucky enough to end up in his crosshairs.

She says that he is a huge bully (“I’ll call the police!”) who has had a short range reign of terror here for decades.

I am going away for two months, but when I get back home I will weld & machine like I do, wear headphones if I want the music loud & this guy can go suck an egg if he doesn’t like it.

Today I was out there doing just what I did yesterday: lathe work & music at the same level as yesterday which is not very loud. He did not call in on me. I now have a wide angle camera on my bench facing the street so if anything interesting happens I will have a record of it, as well as upload it to YouTube and insert a link in this thread.

If I had to guess, I would say that he is one of those people who is miserable and wants to make sure that nobody else has any fun. I am still going to have fun.
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I think the problem is where you live. I spent 20 years in California and lived in multiple communities. It's the only place I have ever lived where I had problems with my neighbors. One of the problems with California is that much of the population is made up of persons who weren't happy where they lived before, so they moved to California. Now they are in California and they are not happy there either, they take it out on those who live around them. They are often retired or independently wealthy. They tend not to have many diversions and demand that others around them conform to their norms, they tend to make use of law enforcement and the court system to achieve their wants. They often become powerful in the local homeowners association.They frequently have been successful forcing their victims to move away. There is no reasoning with them. Several times the LEO called would say that they were familiar with the misfit and offer suggestions.

Good luck, but that is just one of the reasons I am very happy to live in Texas. ;)
It looks like Santa Rosa has some rather strict noise ordinances

Yeah, I don't miss Santa Rosa one bit. Spent about five years there.

My personal experience is that people who have to deal with proper winters are generally too busy to care much about what their neighbors get up to.
But proximity creates busybodies. The best neighbor is one you never see!

EDIT: Not trying to perpetuate an anti-CA streak here, just saw the preceding post. Maybe this is a blue-red state effect
It's not red or blue - I don't believe.
I noticed one thing when I lived in SoCal, there are an inordinate amount of fences.
People want privacy, yet they moved into tightly packed sub-divisions.
Me personally like the country. At least there are less restrictive ordinances - most the time.
Then you have the type of complainers listed here who have such miserable, non-productive lives that they only get happiness out of making the lives of others around them miserable also.
They should go volunteer their time somewhere where they might be useful and contribute to society somewhat.

I was discussing this situation with the Wife and how to handle these noisy vehicles going by, I don't want to call the Sheriff, would rather handle it person to person, but Honey brought up a counter point that if I do attempt that and the guy is a smaktard, he's going to know who then called the authorities. . .