It Sucks 2B Me


Active User
Apr 8, 2013
I got the the mid stage of a milling job and looked at my tooling all covered with chips. Wanting to be neat like the guys on this site I decided to blow my tools off at 40psi and vacuum the area. As soon as the air hit the first tool there was a rifle shot and a mushroom cloud from my VFD. Upon disassembly I found three places where heavy wiring had vaporized leaving 3/4 inch diameter black circles. One of these was a lead on an IC. TOAST! Ordered another VFD. I was about 2 feet below the unit yet the chip had gone in thru a cooling grate on the top. Yup, it sucks 2B me!
You need to knit yourself a VFD cozy to help keep the chips off!
Yeah - vacuum the area first. Air pressure to blow a part clean is OK, but you have to control it!
While we are at it, don't let coolants, nor fluids of any kind get into fine electronics and power electrical stuff anywhere.
I tried Amazon, but no joy. All I could find was #422C (with blue UV dye)...
The UV die is for post production inspection, not for cosmetics. I've bought it at Amazon in the past, but it's been a couple years (it goes a pretty long way). You can also use it to seal QD ribbon connectors, etc.

Edit-. The silicone version can be soldered through after the fact, works great. I don't know if the acrylic version is the same way.