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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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This will be the sister of my 8520. I waited a long time to get the 8540. :))

"Billy G"
The 8520 is a Clausing Vertical Mill Andy. The 8540 is Horizontal.

"Billy G"
Pretty cool, Bill. Ya gotta love this addiction.

Thank you. When I worked for a living, I always went to the job to have fun. I have always lover this addiction.
Almost done, just the 4 sides to go and the 2 holes for motor wires and main line.

"Billy G"

102_0382 (800 x 531).jpg 102_0383 (800 x 531).jpg 102_0384 (800 x 531).jpg 102_0385 (800 x 531).jpg
Possible positions for components.

"Billy G"

102_0386 (800 x 531).jpg
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