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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Just the line to go. White to the switch, black to the motor and green to ground. I will change the green wires on the switch later. I don't have any white wire.

"Billy G"

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If you have any multiple conductor cable you could strip some white wire from it.
So you are saying I put the black lead to the switch and the white lead to the blue lead coming from the motor? Please go back and look at the last diagram. The plug is labeled N-L-G. G is green, what are the other two? OK, I found it, white is neutral and goes to the motor. The hot line (Black) goes to the switch.

"Billy G" :thumbsup:
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So you are saying I put the black lead to the switch and the white lead to the blue lead coming from the motor? Please go back and look at the last diagram. The plug is labeled N-L-G. G is green, what are the other two? OK, I found it, white is neutral and goes to the motor. The hot line (Black) goes to the switch.

"Billy G" :thumbsup:

Bill N-L-G Neutral Line Ground for 110v, L-L-N or G Line Line Neutral or ground 220v. White is Neutral, Black is Line, Green is Ground you will know if they are switched they will trip a ground fault.

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Bad news? There is no bad news. Good news is it works and has reverse. I will finish up the box tomorrow. Whew. Thanks to all for holding my hand thru this. A big Thank-you to you John.

"Billy G" :))
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Shop cleaning and re-arranging. Now machine coming. Clausing 8540 Horizontal Mill.

"Billy G"
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All clean, not. :lmao: Got the box parts cut rough. Tomorrow to rivet and drill and tap for the access panel.

"Billy G"

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