Hello, My name is Richard and I am a toolaholic

And they say that Texas is a machine desert, maybe they don’t sell stuff just throw it away!

nice save.
In Ohio we saw alot of used equipment shipped to Texas,
Mostly oil and gas industry.
ALOT of BIG lathes went that way
They look like new now, good find and good job cleaning them up!
And where is this magical dumpster to be found ?
are there any others ?
I REALLY gotta find one !!!............... :laughing:
You should see Dave for counseling :)
I don't know which Dave you are refering to, but this one could definately not give him counseling--just tell him to keep happy searching, and find me some goodies.
Sadly these guys are all packed up now so my grubbing days at this haunt have been terminated. Since I don't handle detox well, I will absolutely be on the lookout for another. I have it so bad that I often stop in traffic to grab tools that are in the street.
Dave Smith your safe, I'm referring to mmcmdl Dave.