Arcing Brushes??

If you can't find a bad commutator connection get the treadmill's model & serial nos. & go to ProForm's web site [&/or Sears' if they sold it] to see if they sell the armature for it. I suspect that it's oriental-made & so parts aren't available but good luck.
ok ... so ... newbie here ... just starting out: I ultimately want to use the motor out of my wife's treadmill to power a drill press ... I know, I know ... first I have to convince her that I can't fix it.

Can't help you with the motor, but I will point out that it might be easier to sell her on an upgrade to her exercise equipment from a treadmill to an elliptical trainer. There must be 10,000 articles she can Google on reduced joint stress, fewer ankle injuries, less floor space required, safer for kids to be around, etc, etc. Once you have an elliptical, the treadmill will be gathering dust. Then you'll be commanded to get rid of it.

Besides, if you're anything like me, women are completely immune to your "magical powers of persuasion". :)