Anyone else get carried away with 3d printed tool storage?

Functional is more important anyway!

@WobblyHand - do you use modifiers to override infill for high-stress areas? I find it can help a lot.
Functional is more important anyway!

@WobblyHand - do you use modifiers to override infill for high-stress areas? I find it can help a lot.
No. Not even sure where to find these parameters. I'm just starting out, so don't know about stuff like that. Is there an equivalent setting in PrusaSlicer, or is this found in a different slicer? What terms or names might I search for?

Printed my second heavy weight holder for my live center. The support structure was a bit harder to remove this time. Only difference was a new spool of PLA. Still looked good, but printed slightly different.
Yep, in PrusaSlicer (its what I use). Modifiers are simple geometric shapes that you can place & size to intersect (overlap?) parts of your print. You then can apply specific infill density and pattern for the areas of your part which intersects with the modifier shape.

You can get to modifiers by right-clicking the part in the right-hand panel and select "Add Modifier" -> shape. This shape itself will not print but will be listed in the part panel on the right. Right-click on the modifier in the right-hand panel and you can set infill shape, infill pattern, bottom/top/perimeter thickness. These setting will be applied to your printed part wherever the modifier intersects your part.

I find they are very handy to beef up areas (particularly corners) with higher infill % than the rest of the part.

Prusa Modifier KB
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Made this storage rack for some angle blocks I picked up recently. The shallow degree blocks are pretty short and I wanted an easy way to get them out of the rack. I came up with a shelf (recess?) and finger cutout in the front ~1/3 of the holder; pressing on on the front side allows them to tilt up for easy removal.


Looks good! I'll have to borrow that idea for my 1.5" 80-20. I need something for the chuck keys and my spindle spanner wrench. Already running out of space on my first 80-20 stick, probably have to prepare another one.
I'm going to have to get me some of that 80/20 extrusion - liking what you guys are coming up with.
I'm going to have to get me some of that 80/20 extrusion - liking what you guys are coming up with.
If you do head down the 80/20 path, check out for extrusions and hardware. They are considerably less than the 80/20 brand. Their hardware is literally less than half-price. The only caveat that I found with them is that one batch of their 4-hole inside corner brackets were not 90 degrees. For what I was using it for, it didn't really matter but...
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