Holding 6 Inch Dia Pvc Pipe


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2014
I need to turn some 2"-12" long PVC rings with a simple chamfer at each end and a couple of inner and outer groves near the ends. My raw material is 2 foot, schedule 35 PVC pipe, 6" from the local HW store. The stuff flexes too much when I hold it with 3 or 4 jaw chuck. It is like trying to hold a jelly doughnut. I don't have any other chuck available.

I was thinking of turning a fairly tight fitting wood or aluminum plug for the chuck end so it doesn't crush. Not sure what to do in the case of the longer ones for the tail-stock end. Any ideas for this?
Thanks. I tried a router for the chamfers on a different project. It worked well. But I also need to put 3 inner and outer groves around and within the circumference of each end. Still don't know what to do on the tail-stock end for the longer pieces since I need to have access to the ID of the pipe for the groves to about 1" inward from the end.
Still don't know what to do on the tail-stock end for the longer pieces since I need to have access to the ID of the pipe for the groves to about 1" inward from the end.

Make a spacer that will back up the tailstock plug. The spacer backs up against the plug in the headstock end. That way, you can give yourself the clearance on the tailstock end to cut the internal groove.
steady rest with bearings preferred...turn it slow
How about turning a disk that's tapered on the edge so it wedges into the tail stock end. The large end OD would be bigger than the tubing ID, other end of the taper smaller than the tubing ID. Center drill it for the tail stock center. You could turn a bit of a flange on the edge in case you put too much pressure on the tail stock, it wouldn't drive itself into the tubing.

Frank, Good thought but my steady-rest is about 1/2" too small. JimDawson, That seems like that should work. That has me starting to wonder about a mandrel arrangement that might help me here. With that I could work both ends. Just need to figure out how to tighten/loosen the grip of the disks on the part. I have about 80 of these to make of various sizes so it may be worth the effort to make something like that. Not sure though.
Thanks Bruce. I wouldn't be able to reach in for the inner groves if I'm understanding you right, which I may not be.
For the groves, use a router fitted with a bit that has a pilot bearing. End of pipe should be square or make an independent fixture. Or instead, make the fixture determine the size of the groove and alleviate the bearing…Dave.