I second the large wheels. The first project I made when I was out on my own was a 2 wheel torch cart. I made the 10" steel wheels and every time I use it I wish it had 26" wheels.
Go right ahead, knock yourself out.That video is pretty much what I had in mind for my project. Do you mind if I copy your idea, modifying it for my needs?
Were there any changes that you wish you would have made after using this O/A cart?
I would probably use .090” wall tubing & 3/32” stick electrodes (for speed and because SMAW is my favorite welding process).
Go right ahead, knock yourself out.
I think the only thing I would change would be the height. As it is, I put the axle rod such that the base is about 1/2" off the floor. Not that it really matters all that much since that back tube swings upward to moment you tilt it, but I think I should have had it perhaps 1" off the floor, with some short feet on the other free corners to keep it level when it sits. If you get your cuts perfect with zero-gap fits, 3/32" rods will work great. As for the wheels I might have used larger wheels if I didn't already have these sitting here. I bought them a while back at Harbor Freight and figured might as well use them instead of collecting dust in the garage.
I usually aim for zero-gap, but that doesn't always happenIf you are welding .090” square tubing with 3/32” stick electrodes, what would you say is a good range for the gap in the fit-up?
I would obviously not bevel the .090”. I like some gap (at least a few thou) for this thickness. At any gap above .050”, I am *seriously* questioning my fit-up skills. .063” and up and I am unhappy with the situation.