On my lathe, the change gears transmit all power into the lower gearbox which controls both the leadscrew and feedrod. Yours may be different as it looks like a much higher-end lathe.

Nice looking lathe you got!

Thanks RAY
Only wish we could use it to its full potential like U Guys.
Well Ok then... send it over here and I'll put it to the best use I can! (LOL)...

Joking aside, I hope you get it figured-out. What brand/model is it? Maybe there is an instruction manual available that will speed-up your inquiry.


Thanks RAY
Only wish we could use it to its full potential like U Guys.
The drive gears for the feed/thread gearbox aren't generally called "change gears" on this type of setup, meaning that you don't change them to alter the feed or thread. They are fixed, unless you change the leadscrew to Metric, then you change to the appropriate set for that leadscrew.

On the apron, the lever on the left is the half-nut engagement control, the lever in the middle engages the feed. It has three basic positions, the middle (no engagement), up, which engages the crossfeed (-X-) feed, and down, which you have to pull to the left to get to, engages the longitudinal (-Z-) feed. When the proper gear selection is made through the use of the levers, you will get a fine or coarse, or in-between feedrate.

The knob on the bottom simply pulls out and pushes in to control which direction things move.....left or right, in or out.

This is now making some serious sense, gracious and appreciative thanks to U, TONY.
However, permit me to get this right and understood properly.
The half-nut Engagement would only be used for THREADING, right ???
Thought as much that the "LEVER in the Middle" was the key - after U Guys asked for pics.
Now the other hopefully final question, the "GEAR-SELECTION LEVER" U refer to would be the same lower most one which has 8 Positions for the FEEDRATE ???
And we were really battling to understand why we could not feed Longitudinally away from the Chuck - which albeit, for us is the safer option and method of working with that PUSH/PULL KNOB.
Can't wait to go down and give this a shot
Thanks a mill
Well Ok then... send it over here and I'll put it to the best use I can! (LOL)...

Joking aside, I hope you get it figured-out. What brand/model is it? Maybe there is an instruction manual available that will speed-up your inquiry.

Heck Man, U Guys ( over the pond ) got the best in equipment and Tooling there.
Ours was Made in Taiwan, generally a little better made than "Mainland". We do have the Manual which is ever so brief with the Parts List taking up 75% of the book !!!
Not much help there, sadly.
Take care
It's not so much a single lever, but a combination of the levers on the headstock. If you refer to the charts riveted on the front panel, you will see the range of feeds (or threads) to chose from. Pick your feed (or thread), and the string of letters and numbers will tell you the positions for each lever to get the feed rod, or lead screw to give you what you want.
Tony has it. That is why I asked for the pic sounded like you where using the half nut for turning. You should get much better results now.
I was about to tell you the same thing Tony already did.
My cheap-o asian lathe also has the same principals used. 2 different levers and 2 different screws.
One leadscrew with Acme thread and one that has only a slot cut in it the whole length.
It's not so much a single lever, but a combination of the levers on the headstock. If you refer to the charts riveted on the front panel, you will see the range of feeds (or threads) to chose from. Pick your feed (or thread), and the string of letters and numbers will tell you the positions for each lever to get the feed rod, or lead screw to give you what you want.
Just tried a dry run with the existing positions of the various Levers.
Was definitely not using that LEADSCREW !!!
And THANKS a MILL, TONY, that PUSH / PULL KNOB does the trick for that "Z FEED" as well as the "X"
Have a current project on the machine which we hope to finish nicely over the weekend, LORD WILLING.
Will keep U posted on it on how it finally finished.
We can't express enough THANK U's

- - - Updated - - -

Tony has it. That is why I asked for the pic sounded like you where using the half nut for turning. You should get much better results now.
KD, U were the first to respond and indeed pointed us in the right direction, whilst we were totally incorrectly using that half nut for turning.
We are ever so grateful to U Guys 'cos without asking these seemingly dumb questions we would never have known better.
Thanks a stack and

- - - Updated - - -

I was about to tell you the same thing Tony already did.
My cheap-o asian lathe also has the same principals used. 2 different levers and 2 different screws.
One leadscrew with Acme thread and one that has only a slot cut in it the whole length.
Thanks Guy
Indeed we do have exactly the same screws.
Mind U these "cheap-O's do get the job done and with some respectable accuracy.
We are only now learning to appreciate ours.
Take care
Glad we could help, aRM. Any time there is a question, even is it might seem silly, isn't it better to ask and find out than to keep on doing something wrong and possibly dangerous? We certainly don't mind answering such questions. We want all our members to make good parts and keep all their fingers, and I don't mean in a jar of alcohol up on the mantle.
Great to here.:thumbsup: Glad you got it going. Injoy it and have fun making chips. Any time you have a qustion just ask away. The only dum ? around here are the ones that don't get asked. Always a bunch of guys arount eager to help.