What would you do?


Sep 3, 2020
You walk into a new surplus store that sells everything for $3 a lb and see a whole bin full of assorted springs that weigh next to nothing along with plenty of larger extension springs?

I pretty much emptied that bin....lol.

That leads to a problem worth solving. This is my new springs with my organizers of old springs.


I had to reorganize a bit but I was able to organize by body diameters, which seem to be based on standard fractional sizes. I didn't worry about lengths for now.

The best part of having a good assortment of springs is being able to find them.


If I went back and they had another bin full I'd buy them, but on the surplus market, you buy what you can when the opportunity presents itself. I've learned not to pass on stuff like this. They didn't cost much and they don't take up a lot of space. I'm glad to have what I've picked up. There must be close to 1000 springs.
springs can get nasty in storage. The compression type seem to interlock each other. The extension can hook into the barrel of another.
There's gotta be a better way to store them and not go crazy trying to get them apart.