I have several Jacobs chucks, maybe 3 or 4 ball bearing super ones and one Albrecht with an R-8 collet. Also have a number of cheaper Jacobs chucks with straight arbor. Like Mr. Whoopee mentioned above, they are convenient on (for me) on the Bridgeport which usually has a ER-32 collet chuck on it. If the job is going to use a 1/2" end mill which takes a 1/2" collet, I use the Jacobs chuck with a 1/2" straight shank (have chucks with 3/8" and 5/8" straight arbors also). It saves from having to change ER collets and/or loosen/tighten the drawbar on the BP.
I also have a Jet JVM-830 mill where the top of the spindle is at about 6'. It's a really easy reach so it has R-8 collets exclusively on it. I have the Albrecht and a Super chuck at this mill, but usually use a keyed import chuck because it has better run out than either of the other two chucks.
My lathes have Jacobs ball bearing Super chucks too, but I usually use 1/2" capacity keyless import chucks purchased from All Industrial Tool Supply. These both have MT3 arbors, All Industrial has 1/2" keyless chucks on eBay with an R-8 arbor for about $32 shipped.