What does mmcmdl have listed on Ebay now ?

My lucky day also . We were told our plant would be shutting down 2-3 years time . That puts me close to 62yo and I'll ride it out and make out well , but it puts me against the wall to excellerate unloading MY shop so I can make the move when ready . My son is going to help with my sales and packing which will help me a ton , so look out ebay !
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Loaded some items back up Ebay , some fixed cost and some with no reserve .

Got some chucks , indicator sets , live centers , etc .
Put a few more chucks on Ebay that may catch some interest for our HM members .
My son is adding items onto my Ebay site also . Most of the items came out of a woodshop that I bought out for a few wood shop tools . You will be able to tell which items these are , as they are not machine shop related ! These items are in good shape but I know nothing about them . I am a machinist and not a painter nor wood worker by any means . I will try try to answer any questions that you may have about these items . I and he will be loading numerous wood shop items on Ebay as well . I am sure you guys know much more as to the wood shop tools than I do , but I'm more than willing to answer any questions regarding the tools and fixtures . Hey , Thanks again . I'm making some slow progress in cleaning out . Dave .
Aloris CXA tool holders and eventually the post will be loaded onto Ebay starting tonight . The CA's will be next , then the DA's . Auction style .
My B's are long gone . Only the bigger stuff remains as far as holders and posts . I am going to settle in on a small lathe and a Bridgeport as my final machines . It's going to take awhile to get there but the weather is breaking , my garage is not finished , and I'm getting older each year !