What Did You Buy Today?

bought a 5" 6 jaw Buck chuck off PM for a very reasonable price for my SB9, but it only had inside jaws. While I was looking for some outside jaws on eBay I found another 5" 6 jaw, unlabelled and poorly described but with outside jaws, which I also got for a very reasonable price :) Both needed work (and the one off PM needed the pinion repairing), but I now 2 6 jaw chucks and won't need to swap the jaws out :D Total was ~$270 for both. Just need to make a backplate for the one with outside jaws
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IMG_0221 (4).JPG
Very innocent purchase, but it was yesterday...delay due to a bit of recovery from shock.
I bought a simple machine tool ID tag, from a Monarch 10-EE.
10 EE tag resized.jpg
Imagine my surprise finding an entire lathe attached therein, at NO extra charge!.
10 EE_uncrate.jpg

So, in averting negative feedback, completed purchase that included not only start-up tooling but considerable help with loading.
Only then, revealed my long quest, for a toolroom quality lathe. The tooling is usable, some elements not my preference. Can remedy that as time rolls along. Most significant feature is that lowest rod along the bed; it activates a carriage reverse mechanism, such as desirable when threading.
This conversion to solid state DC drive (but still 5hp) by inverter has been professionally examined and has no issues. There are people that replace DC with AC/ VFD and are mostly disappointed, especially at low speeds, not strong point of alternating current.
10 EE board.jpg

Will live among American Pacemaker 16", Logan bar fed turret lathe, and a seemingly rare South Bend with taper attachment.
Let the rude but good nature comments ensue, I'm surrounded by cast iron!
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re Thread Wires; drape a clean rag over the ways, under where you intend to measure. Also, wires can be managed more easily sticking them in a 'card' of thin Styrofoam, arranged as you would otherwise. Nice benefit is you can set them down; it'll perch just fine while you take successive cuts.
mattthemuppet 2 says, Awesome lathe! I bet you found the tag a lot harder to pick up than you thought :)

Somewhat yes; search results vary between 2950 and 3200 times harder than expected. Quite noticeable in an F350, so that's rather conclusive.
Finally waited out the eBay timeout on my last purchase and got a refund issued on a poor excuse for a carbide boring bar.

Used the funds to partially pay for a 1/2" QCBI500-8-5R carbide boring bar. Seems to be a promo tool. Comes with 9 inserts.
Too bad I wasn't around when they were handing these out for free!
@lordbeezer - Looks like the same mill as the Harbor Freight 44994 ($800) or the Grizzly G8689 ($925 + freight). Both include a drill chuck, but not a vise. The one in the photo looks a bit neglected (surface rust), and it doesn't appear the seller has added any "goodies," like the belt drive or the air spring "counterweight." I've owned a 44991 for a number of years, and still use it for smaller jobs. With a bit of TLC, these mills can be very useful.