Indeed, the order is IN, and my bank website shows the credit card charge as "pending."
I don't anticipate any urgency about the delivery ... especially given PM's good reputation. The Grizzle G1007 is still working fine, and I also have a mini-mill and a mini CNC mill to stay busy on. Among the other planning/preparation activities I've done so far is to buy a pallet jack (handy to move the round column, and which
I HOPE will be useful for the crate the new one comes in. I'm also planning for what tooling to sell with the old mill, what replacement stuff to buy, etc. etc. etc. Floor space (including storage of the Grizzle until it's sold) has been planned. When I put it up for sale, it'll be as a "plug and play" package, complete with tooling and accessories. I'm hoping to offer a good deal to a "new" machinist.
The PM will be something of a 73rd birthday present for myself