If I wanted that much control, I would have bought an Arduino. The SCR is just acting as a relay for the big power and any old SCR will do. All the Arduino would have to do is send a signal to energize the relay.
They charge a lot more for the kits with high temp probes, but any of the $5 EGT gauges will do the same thing. It is just thermocouple wire, and the only thing different about the "high temp" one is the insulating material. EGT probes use the fiberglass insulation and are good to at least 2000F. I'm using the wire from a probe that got broken off.
You're also paying more for the special probe "extension". Not sure what the point of sticking the probe into the center of the space is. If there is ten degrees difference across that space, something is seriously amiss. If you have to be THAT exact, run the temp up to within 20 degrees of the target, wait ten minutes, then bring it up. My probe will be sticking out 1/4" at max, and I'll probably create a small divot in the side for it to sit in (so that it doesn't get broken off).
Caveat: I'm designing my furnace for aluminum casting, typically maxing out at 1200F, with maybe an occasional foray to 1700F for some experiments in case hardening.