I would contact Cress for an owners' manual. Did a quick check on the web and only found the newer ones. You really don't need a controller for metal. You do need a good pyrometer, about $80-100. You ramp up in small increments watching the pyrometer for what temp corresponds to the dial setting. When you get to desired temp, you just set a timer for soak. When done pull item and quench or turn off and walk away. I have three kilns, one of which is straight manual used when the primary kilns acted up. Mostly a bad relay. Used as explained above, but we have to manually ramp down over hours. The other two do all the fancy stuff. Was used for making glass beads. The kiln ramps up (1200 degrees?), sits there for hours with my wife feeding hot glass beads into it. When done she hits the button and kiln sits there for 1 hour and then ramps down over several hours. Your not that critical with metal. I am repurposing the larger kiln for heat treatment this summer to do bigger things then with a torch.
The kiln is capable of doing a whole bunch of things if you want to spend a lot of money. Wait until the kiln runs away and burns a hole in it. After you fix the hole, then you buy an over ramp controller and spend several hundred more. Best way is to start in the morning and do all the heating while you are around and watching. Cheap and effective!
You are sure you just don't want to by a set of ready made parallels????