Well, well well...

I think it is about the minimum I need to survive the Texas droughts. There are typically 3 people that live here and we use about 2000 gal a month of water when we are not being overly careful. NO outdoor watering. So we can expect 8 months of water supply if it does not rain. Since we switched over the rainwater, we have come close to running out a couple of times but so far have not run out. Right now the tanks are mostly full and rain is in the forecast. I may add another 3000 gallons at some point to give me a larger buffer.
It's fun to compare. I get an 'average' of 20ish inches of water here each year. This includes the sometimes significant snowfall. With the layout my buildings present, I could hang enough gutter to catch 500 gallons for each 1" of rainfall. Gotta get more storage.
I was planning on putting in a pair of 750 gallon tanks down at the new shop, but the cost of plastic in ground tanks has gotten ridiculous. Will start running 300' of 1" poly line down from the house this month. Going to have my neighbor dig it with his mini excavator to keep the mess to a minimum. Will still do a gutter setup on one side to fill the 210 gallon tank for rinse water for car washing. Mike
I use 1" PEX between the tanks and my water-room (pump valves, filters, etc). I like PEX because in the winter it can freeze and thaw without breaking. I have one tank that has the line buried so I can have water when it is below freezing, the others are just laid above ground.