WD 40 question or discovery

Along the lines of repressurizing spray cans. One of the guys on rec.crafts.metalworking, when that was THE place to hold metal working discussions made an adapter that fit on the end of his bernzomatic torch to repressurize paint cans. The stem of the adapter is the same size as the stem on the plastic spray can valve. The opposite end matches the threads where the torch tip would screw on. I made one and it works. Apparently propane is what many paint cans are or were pressurized with. I made one and it works. Turn propane cylinder upside down and insert stem into paint can. Turn on propane until it stops. Pull out stem and turn off propane. Some will argue that propane is explosive. Yes, it is. Apparently it was used in cans as a propellant in the past. Although the air hose sounds safer, with regard to paint, you're introducing oxygen into the can, which will make at least some of the paint 'dry', and air has some moisture in it. If you use propane, do your filling outside, just in case.
WD40 is a good product, BUT I think PB Blaster is better! It doesn't wash off with water (humidity), and you can spray it directly on electornics without harm. It also comes in a non-aerosol version.
I just get it in bulk and use it in those plastic spray bottles you can get anywhere (with controllable nozzle for spray/mist)
Has anybody tried one of these refillable aerosol spray cans? Several places sell them. Even Amazon.com.


There also is one that looks like the smaller typical aerosol can.

I have one at home and use it for degreaser on my engines. It works great! Mine is probably 20 years old and only problem is the tip will get plugged with gunk once in a while and I have to use the oxy torch tip cleaner and get it going again.
Thanks, I checked the source of my information and it was from 1997.

Then again, at least one of my cans of WD40 is probably that old.

Can you post a photo of what this bernzomatic can, nozzel, and fitting look like?

Along the lines of repressurizing spray cans. One of the guys on rec.crafts.metalworking, when that was THE place to hold metal working discussions made an adapter that fit on the end of his bernzomatic torch to repressurize paint cans. The stem of the adapter is the same size as the stem on the plastic spray can valve. The opposite end matches the threads where the torch tip would screw on. I made one and it works. Apparently propane is what many paint cans are or were pressurized with. I made one and it works. Turn propane cylinder upside down and insert stem into paint can. Turn on propane until it stops. Pull out stem and turn off propane. Some will argue that propane is explosive. Yes, it is. Apparently it was used in cans as a propellant in the past. Although the air hose sounds safer, with regard to paint, you're introducing oxygen into the can, which will make at least some of the paint 'dry', and air has some moisture in it. If you use propane, do your filling outside, just in case.
Whenever I have an aerosol can of WD-40 that will not spray, I stick my air nozzle tight against it and blow about 50 PSIG into the can, it usually sprays like normal again after that!

I must say that you should exercise extreme caution if you try this and not use more pressure than mentioned above.
Little update, my WD jar has been sitting since I started this thread, it now is 50/50 clear on the
top and cloudy on the bottom so this cloudy stuff is rising.