Unknown Quick Change Tool Post

A member here made a small follow rest and mounted it using that threaded hole

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I believe that threaded hole is an Aloris thing, it's not found on QCTPs by other makes. IIRC I believe old Aloris catalogs showed different attachments for that hole. I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere but I can't remember.
Terry, it's a different hole that is in question, as Steve pointed out, with the QCTP in the common orientation, there's a large blind threaded hole on the right side.
I've only seen it on Aloris QCTPs & on some Chinese clones. In fact I think the newer Aloris QCTPs no longer have that hole.
Sounds like the hole is a "sometime" thing. I have a Phase II piston-type AXA and wedge-type BXA. Both of them have the hole in question.

Anyway, it does appear that my question has been thoroughly answered! Many thanks to all.
PS - Neat Aloris catalog, Daryl. Thanks for posting it. As you said, it looks like some of those accessories are indeed do-able ... fun projects!
Nice catalog indeed. First, there's the guide stop:

guide stop bw.jpg

I like this knurling tool and it looks like it would be fun to make:

knurl bw.jpg

This combination drill and boring bar might be handy:

boring bw.jpg

If I were to make something like this multi tool holder, I believe that I'd make it more balanced on both sides of the dovetail:

multi holder bw.jpg