Referring to Terry's photo, take note of the HSS cutter in the toolpost. You'll find that HSS is generally sharper than carbide, when properly sharpened. It's easy to learn to sharpen lathe tools - plenty of videos on line. Quite a few of us recommend starting with HSS tooling when you're learning.
If you're going to use Roy's suggestion of using the leadscrew as a carriage lock, have the compound (upper) feed set to 0 degrees so that you can feed in between cuts with out having to turn the feedscrew by hand.
I can't tell from the video, but have you checked the tool height? It needs to be right on the centre-line of the spindle.
As far as cutting speeds go, this is the single biggest factor for new operators getting good or bad results. We were all there at one point. The attached file is a set of charts that I made up when I learned about cutting speeds. It was for a different lathe, but most of it, other than the last one, should help you. It helps to have an optical tachometer to check the actual speed.